Path to Business - Podcast

How to Price Yourself as a Wedding Photographer

January 11, 2024

Grey Loft Studio
We met online 10 years ago, fell in love, 3 babies, lots of cameras, and here we are. Want to know more about our story? 
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How to Price Yourself as a Wedding Photographer. Matching your skill level and pricing is so important when making your packages. We strongly believe that if you are a NEW Wedding Photographer, pricing yourself for the maximum number of clients is the best course of action. This allows you to get a portfolio, experience, and referrals. Once you have a steady flow of clients coming to you, it’s time to raise those prices and the rest is easy.

Whenever you’re thinking about pricing, keep in mind that even though you say ‘per hour rate’, it also includes other things too. You want to make sure you’re being paid for all the time you’re spending on that session.


There are so many different things you do before you even arrive on the day of the shoot. Like meeting the client, emailing back and forth, organizing the day of the session, etc.

Before even thinking about pricing for the session, you need to think about all of the costs in your business. Things like websites, having a formal business email, CRM system, delivering photos, gear, etc. Another thing you need to be thinking about is your time. The day of your shoot is only half if not less of all the work you’ll be doing. When you’re shooting a wedding, it may take you three full days to edit and go through all of the images you took. So make sure you are including that time and energy in your pricing.

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Once you figure out how much you should be charging, some people might think it’s too much. You shouldn’t bother with those kinds of people because they don’t understand everything behind the pricing. You should be putting your focus and energy on the clients that are willing to come to you and value your work.

GreyLoftStudio - Grey Loft Studio - Studio - Pricing - Wedding Photographer Pricing - Wedding Ring - Wedding Flatlay - Wedding Day Photo Ideas - Wedding Day - Charging for Wedding Photos - Pricing for Wedding Photos


Having your different pricing displayed on your website will help you not have that awkward conversation with your client that you’re out of their budget. It’s good to be very transparent on your website so your clients can already trust you going in.

We learned that not having things like prints included in our packages increased our number of clients. Having your initial price lower at first gives you the opportunity to have add-ons for your clients. Which will give you the pricing you wanted. Without the clients being scared of a big number.

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Try not to get nervous out about your pricing when talking with your clients. You need to be confident with your sales. Having your packages on your website will help you with those types of conversations. Asking your potential clients if they have any questions about pricing will help them get a clearer mind about what it is they are purchasing.

You want your potential client to be prepared when you are calling them so it’s not a waste of your time or theirs. When you have your pricing on your website, it lets the clients know what they will be receiving for the work you’re giving them. Before even meeting with them.

We shared on our YouTube Channel some tips on how to price yourself as a Wedding Photographer! So make sure to check that out.

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