This is Really Us, your average spin-off of the fun hit show “This Is Us” from CTV inspired us that we need to be completely real about who we are. It can be hard to really put yourself out when you are a business as the little voices will creep up and say, “oh, be careful, they might not like that” or “what would your clients think.” Well, we are here to be as real as we possibly can be.

If it ain’t real, it’s prohibiting
One thing we have started to realize is that people really want to know us, even when it’s messy it’s good. We can do messy, that we for sure have down pat, even though we are kind of obsessed with organizing. Weird right? Well, that is life with children, which we have 3 of. Yes, we are both 31 years old (yes 1988 Millenial-ish kids) and we couldn’t be more proud. We wanted two kids, spaced apart, like really apart, and we got a bonus baby!
What’s “one” more
We couldn’t imagine life without our twins, Emma & Noah who are turning one in 12 days (that in itself is kind of crazy) but we know that having all this modern-day responsibility means that we need to stay true to who we are, which is exactly that, lots of responsibilities. It’s what we thrive on. We actually planned and had a beautiful wedding in less than two weeks, that’s how much we get shit done, and we get them done well. Check out this beautiful blog from our wedding held on our property, photographed by Emma.

We will continue to share more about our lives on our social platforms, not only because we know you all love it, because deep down, even though we forget to, and it can be a lot of work, we know how much you love it.
So to all our vendor friends reading this, go ahead and start putting yourselves out there for the world (or your friends and your parents) to see and trust us, you will have more clients lining up at the door than you could ever imagine.
Love, This is Really Us, Bethany & Luc

Huge thanks to Lindsay for these amazing pics – check out her work here!
Also, the beautiful backdrop is from Au Vieux Moulin – check them out, if you are looking for an amazing wedding venue just an hour and 20 minutes from Ottawa!
If you are looking to learn more about us, check out our About Us on our home page!