Becoming a Makeup Artist and Growing a Company all at the same time is no easy feat. I met Klava at a styled wedding shoot in 2017 that we collaborated on together. She brought her fresh newborn baby girl and still managed to make our models look amazing of course. She had her in a carrier and still did her job and she’s been inspiring me ever since. When I first started my business I used to strap little Philippe to my back and shoot a whole session. I didn’t think much of it until I saw Klava doing it. Realizing how amazing we are as strong women who can still build a successful business all while raising children came at that moment.
Travel, Change of Careers, Move across the Globe
Even after all these years of working together at shoots and weddings I never truly got the chance to sit down one on one with Klava to hear her story. I knew it must be good because of how talented she is and how she’s been able to scale her business so fast. Hearing the whole story is incredible and I am so happy to have had her on the show.
Did you know she studied law and is a lawyer!? Who knew! Her passion has obviously changed paths and it’s not the first time I hear of a creative entrepreneur who grew up wanting to be a lawyer, *cough* me! Klava actually became a lawyer and still changed, so it goes to show you can always make pivots and changes in your life.
Building a Business with Balance
One of the key messages Klava brings to her business and life is balance. Trying to find that perfect mix of work hard, play hard. Still really enjoys traveling and completely shuts off from the world most winters down south. It’s never easy with small children but somehow she makes it look easy.
People might think that about anyone running a business with kids. Even without them, it can be hard to not want to pour every ounce you have into your business because you love it. Knowing what I know now, creating distance, finding clarity, and getting some rest is actually a huge part of the success of any business.
Becoming a Makeup Artist Company
Now what I mean by this term exactly is that Klava has built not only a business for herself, but has expanded her business to include other people in the industry. Not only does she educate, but she is helping others around her grow and hone in on their skills as well. It’s truly inspiring and that’s why you’ll see that she’s absolutely on our recommended vendor list.

Get in contact with Klava for Makeup or Beauty School below:
As an ambassador for Vooqo, she offers 15% off their products with code Klava15. Shop online www.vooqo.com
www.klavazykova.ca; IG @klavaz.makeup and @naturally.klavaz