Path to Business - Podcast

Go Clean Co Interview Part 1

sarah mcallister go clean co interview path to business podcast

March 18, 2021

Grey Loft Studio
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Go Clean Co Interview Part 1, Sarah McAllister joins Bethany on the Podcast and shares some amazing insights to how she’s grown. This is Episode Number 24. Today we are chatting with the queen of clean and learning all about the path that she’s taken to get to where she is today. 


Go Clean Co - Sarah McAllister joins Bethany on the Path to Business Podcast talking all about how she grew her business from 10k followers to 1.7 million in less than a year!

Go Clean Co Interview Part 1, Sarah McAllister joins Bethany on the Podcast and shares some amazing insights to how she’s grown. This is Episode Number 24. Today we are chatting with the queen of clean and learning all about the path that she’s taken to get to where she is today. 

We dive deep into her story and how she manifested her success and that she’s not above getting deep into the dirt with her team. Her story resonates with me, especially as a self-made entrepreneur and I can’t wait for you to feel as connected to her as I felt from this interview. 

Go Clean Co - Sarah McAllister joins Bethany on the Path to Business Podcast talking all about how she grew her business from 10k followers to 1.7 million in less than a year!

Go Clean Co Interview - Behind the Scenes.

Go Clean Co Interview Pt 1 before the fame

Whenever we interview guests we ask them the same questions. However, we really wanted to go deep and learn how Sarah started. Hearing how she’s grown her dog walking business and stumbled upon a gap in the market is inspiring. As business owners we can relate to this story so much! Her mom is the entrepreneur in her life and always instilled in her kids that they should do the work and never feel shame in doing the “not-so-pretty” parts.

Measuring success

Throughout the episode it is interesting to see how she can measure the changes in her business from the amount of followers. For most entrepreneurs I would think that this overnight success is a dream. It’s not without its challenges and growing pains. Growing at this speed is overwhelming and luckily she was able to get help. Her humbleness shines through with the thought that her agency wouldn’t even accept her. Go Clean Co Interview Pt. 1 covers all the main characters that Sarah has built.

Go Clean Co - Sarah McAllister joins Bethany on the Path to Business Podcast talking all about how she grew her business from 10k followers to 1.7 million in less than a year!

Go Clean Co Interview - Behind the Scenes.

Manifesting Tide & Money Bags

Both Sarah and I sound very Canadian throughout this episode with our “you knows” but what I loved hearing was the manifesting. This is something I have been truly obsessed with lately. When I asked her about it I was a bit nervous as I didn’t think she would be into it. She surprised me of course with her phone home screen being her vision board. Of course she had a photo of Tide & money bags, along with other amazing words of encouragement.

Cleaning Handbook - Go Clean Co - Sarah McAllister joins Bethany on the Path to Business Podcast talking all about how she grew her business from 10k followers to 1.7 million in less than a year!

Go Clean Co Interview - Behind the Scenes.
The Cleaning Army Handbook – Laundry Guide

Go Clean Highlights so Far

Who could interview Sarah and not ask her about cleaning Jillian Harris’ house. If you aren’t a Jilly fan then you wouldn’t know, but Sarah GO Clean Co’d her house and it was mesmerizing! When she asked her agency if she could clean her home and she said yes. What a moment. Working with Tide of course is another highlight that she’s extremely proud of. Hearing what she had to say about influencing and how easy it is is kind of funny too! Go Clean Co Interview Pt. 1 is an interview you don’t want to miss any second of!

Go Clean Co – Part 2

You’ll have to wait till next week to hear the rest of the episode. We ended up chatting for nearly 2 hours, way more than I expected. I am so excited to share the next part too. Sarah shares her “what she would choose if she could only choose one to bring on an island” and it’s pretty fun! We had a blast and I can’t wait to share it with you! Make sure you subscribe to Path to Business wherever you listen to podcasts so you don’t miss it!

Go Clean Co - Sarah McAllister joins Bethany on the Path to Business Podcast talking all about how she grew her business from 10k followers to 1.7 million in less than a year!

Go Clean Co Interview - Behind the Scenes.

Make sure you follow her on Instagram HERE.

Check out Path to Business and who Bethany & Luc Barrette are HERE.

Want to hear Part 2? Click below…

Listen to the next episode HERE.

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