
Photo Session Guidelines – COVID-19

Covid 19 Studio Photo Session Guidelines - Grey Loft Studio

June 15, 2020

Grey Loft Studio
We met online 10 years ago, fell in love, 3 babies, lots of cameras, and here we are. Want to know more about our story? 
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Photo Session - guidelines COVID-19 will be strictly followed and adhered to. The studio will only be allowing a certain number of sessions per day to try and minimize risk as much as possible. Extra attention to sanitization will also be in place. 

Grey Loft Studio

Of course with all the new guidelines comes changes to our indoor and outdoor sessions. Photo Session – guidelines COVID-19 will be strictly followed and adhered to. The studio will only be allowing a certain number of sessions per day to try and minimize risk as much as possible. Extra attention to sanitization will also be in place.

At this time we will also ask clients if they have travelled or been out of country/province recently to refrain from booking a session for at least 14 days after self-isolation. If anyone in the family is showing signs of a fever please re-schedule as soon as possible. We do require at least 24 hours notice for any cancellations.

If clients are not respecting the guidelines as set forth below, the photographers/videographers have the full rights to end the session and clients will not be receiving any refunds for time lost.

Our studio is located in our Home above the Garage in the Loft. The separate entrance is to the right of the front porch. You will see a sign.

Inside the Studio Guidelines

For inside the studio, the following Photo Session – guidelines COVID-19 will be in effect immediately:

  1. All clients will need to wash hand and/or use hand sanitizer upon arrival. Clients will need to wear masks (during photos they can be removed) and put back on after photos are done. Clients will be required to hand sanitize throughout the session and will refrain from touching any props or studio equipment.
  2. Sessions will be limited to 2 adults maximum and children will also be required to wash hands or sanitize as much as possible and upon arrival. When possible however, older children (other than newborns) can play outside or go for a walk during the remaining part of the session to avoid touching props or photography equipment.
  3. We have one designated seating area that will be sprayed down between clients with Dettol spray. Changing table will be wiped down completely between clients and new covers replaced between use.
  4. Outfits will be washed fully and any bonnets or knitted items will be put into a separate area and sprayed clean. All rugs and props will be sprayed with Dettol between uses.
  5. Photographer will be wearing a mask, hand washing/hand sanitizing often, wearing freshly cleaned clothes, and a cleaned apron. Gloves will not be worn as we don’t want to risk cross contamination. All photography equipment will be fully wiped down with alcohol between sessions.
  6. High “touch” areas including washroom will be fully cleaned before and after each client. Refrain from touching walls or anything within the studio (studio is attached to our home, but has a separate entrance).
  7. Clients must leave jackets or extra bags in the car upon arrival. If possible car seats must also be left in the car when possible. No food is permitted within the studio.
  8. The supply of any feeding pillows or blankets will no longer be provided. Please bring your own if needed. Fridge or bottle warmers will also not be supplied at this time.

Outside the Studio Guidelines

For outside the studio, the following Photo Session – guidelines COVID-19 will be in effect immediately:

  1. We ask all clients to hand sanitize prior to the start of the session. Photographers/Videographers will also be hand sanitizing before the session.
  2. All camera gear will be wiped with alcohol before and after each session.
  3. We will not be wearing a mask unless the client asks us in advance as we have difficulty with clients hearing us for directions. We will however be remaining 6 feet or more away at all times for social distancing restrictions. When possible, if clients can help manage children to make sure that they also stay at least 6 feet away at all times. We will also have clients fix each others stray hairs, bra straps, shirt fixing, etc.
  4. If you have booked a mini-session please bring your own blankets/props to sit on as we will not be providing any due to covid. Please also arrive 10 minutes before your session ready to go and please leave a minimum of 6 feet away if not more.

If you have any questions or concerns we will address them by phone only at this time. We can be reached at 613-899-3581 Monday to Friday from 10am to 4pm during regular business hours.

We thank you for your patience during this time and we still hope to make the sessions lots of fun. We also truly appreciate your support of our small business. If you have suggestions or changes to our policies, please email us at info@greyloftstudio.ca

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