Path to Business - Podcast

Tips to have a Smooth Wedding Rehearsal

July 12, 2023

Grey Loft Studio
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Tips to have a Smooth Wedding Rehearsal Ottawa wedding photography Team Grey Loft studio. A wedding rehearsal is a practice of your wedding ceremony and your wedding party. Traditionally, a wedding rehearsal is held one or two days before the wedding day. It contains a rehearsal dinner to which the immediate family is invited. You need to keep it to be quick and organized.

The groom and the bride during the ceremony-  Tips to have a smooth wedding rehearsal Ottawa-Grey Loft Studio - Ottawa Wedding Photographer - Ottawa Wedding Videographer

Practice lining up the Wedding Party as it would be during the ceremony!

In most of the ceremonies, the groom stands on the right facing the altar and the bride on the left, and parents sit directly behind their children. Also, the bridesmaids and groomsmen stand on the side facing the guests in the ceremony. Begin your wedding rehearsal from here, so everyone knows where they stand after walking in.

Tips to have a smooth wedding rehearsal Ottawa-Grey Loft Studio - Ottawa Wedding Photographer - Ottawa Wedding Videographer - Bride Walking Down the Aisle - Father and Daughter Walking on Wedding Day - Bride and Father walking down the aisle

Perform the events of the Ceremony in order!

You can run through the event and ask questions if you’re not sure about it. Invite other people such as readers or gift-givers to your rehearsal to practice their roles in the event. Please ask them to practice their role to feel comfortable in front of others.

Tips to have a smooth wedding rehearsal Ottawa-Grey Loft Studio - Ottawa Wedding Photographer - Ottawa Wedding Videographer - Wedding Photo Ideas - Wedding Couple Smiling at each other - Bride and Groom Smiling

Practice the walking out!

In your wedding rehearsal, you practice how to leave the party after the ceremony. First, it starts with the couple, then follows by the Maid/Matron of Honor and best man. People pair up and follow them up the aisle starting with the ones closest to the middle. The bridesmaid and groomsman are the last of the wedding party to exit which is the cue for the parents to begin their exit. The parent of the Bride exits then follows by the Parent of the Groom. The remaining guests will leave by the aisle they’re in.

It’s nice to walk to the beat of the music, so it feels natural for the walker and the guests.

Tips to have a smooth wedding rehearsal Ottawa-Grey Loft Studio - Ottawa Wedding Photographer - Ottawa Wedding Videographer - Bride and Groom Walking Out - Wedding Photo Ideas - Married Couple Walking Out

Do all steps again!

Now everyone knows the steps, practice walking back out and back in one more time to make sure everyone knows what to do. Make sure to practice all steps in your rehearsal day.

Where does the Wedding Party go?

You have to explain to the wedding party and your immediate family where to go after the ceremony. If you need them to stay for the family pictures, discuss a spot to meet everyone there. If you want to do any specific things, make sure to talk to your wedding party.

Picture of wedding party, Guests are talking . Tips to have a smooth wedding rehearsal Ottawa-Grey Loft Studio - Ottawa Wedding Photographer - Ottawa Wedding Videographer

The Knot also give more tips to have a smooth wedding rehearsal!

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