
Baby Smiles during Session – What to expect

baby smiles during newborn photo session

December 2, 2019

Grey Loft Studio
We met online 10 years ago, fell in love, 3 babies, lots of cameras, and here we are. Want to know more about our story? 
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Who doesn’t love a cute baby smile during a session and what to expect at a session with Grey Loft Studio is a pretty special moment for us in the studio. Smiles are something truly special for mom and dad, as they are so few and far between at this age. We all know that newborn babies don’t really start to smile until about 8 weeks old, however a quick little smile while they are in deep sleep is key.

baby sleeping on grey blanket in a photo session ottawa
baby lying on hands with feet crossed in a photo session

Posing doesn’t always come easy

Choosing lots of different poses for a baby during a session is a great idea, but ultimately the baby is the boss during the session. Some babies won’t always go into all positions or pose happily. Our goal is to get your baby to be happy, comfortable, and warm so that we can achieve the cute baby smiles and exceed your expectations.

From our experience, it is very normal for a baby to temporarily be a little upset as we are disturbing sleep a little, however, it should last more than a minute before we settle them down again!

baby boy looking at a camera small smile during a session

It’s all in the eyes

Eyes open are such a keepsake for a parent. However, as it happens during most sessions we try and get a few photos where the baby has eyes open as we know this is a top pick for most families.

At our studio, we are always trying to get a good variety of photos during a session, so having a baby smile during a session is a great way to exceed our clients’ expectations, but of course, is not guaranteed.

sweet baby boy smiling during a session in a grey bear hat laying on a grey pillow
We have these little hats and pillows in the studio for clients to use.
Little baby smiling with bum in the air posed during a photo session
Baby posed on a blanket with 10 toes sticking out womb pose
We call this a Womb Pose, as babies are usually in this position in the womb.
baby in a light grey knitted outfit with a hat and 3 buttons laying on back
baby smiling in a grey outfit during his photo session, moms favourite photo
The golden smile will never go out of style, as I am sure mom loves this one the most!

The smile that is so sweet

All our outfits, props, headbands, and hats are all handmade and about 90% of them are all made in Canada. We absolutely love supporting local moms and talents across the country. This outfit was handmade for our studio by Natural Whispering Wonders and we have 9 different outfits from her store.

baby lying in a white fluff with a white hat on a wool white rug
soft smile with a baby in a white outfit and a white wool background

Something to keep in mind when you are booking a photo session is to let us know what poses or setups you like. However, we already have an idea of what types of posing we will attempt, it’s nice to know what you would love to see. Baby smiles during a session and what to expect is a key misunderstanding that we see, so we hope that this clarifies this for you!

For more detailed information on how to get ready for a newborn session with us, check out our blog here on Preparing for a Newborn Session.

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